We Are Joomlastars. Welcome Everybody! We create awesome joomla themes for your business. You can visit our site and find more details about themes here Joomlastars Introduction This is a responsive and retina-ready Joomla Theme with grid system layout. Build you site simply with K2 and beautiful theme options. Hudson uses Isotope for enhanced site speed and stability, is optimized for mobile touch and swipe, and features hover-intent detection, a sophisticated blog and portfolio setup using K2. Hudson with powerful features, easy to customize, power admin, cool effect. We hope you will have a great experience. Theme features: 1 Click Demo Import using Quick start Full Demo sample Included K2 support for Blog CSS3 Animations Google map with marker and address Valid HTML5 / CSS3 pages Perfectly responsive Well formatted and commented, so it should be easy to adapt and extend Quick Start & Great Documentation Free 5 Star Support from Skype 24 * 7 Support The item documentation is extensive and the source code is properly commented and formatted, so you shouldn’t have any problem working with this item. If you need support, please send us an email using this contact form. Please include the theme name, website URL, admin detail and detailed information about your problem with screenshot. I usually respond to support requests within 24 hours on weekdays, depending on the number of requests in queue. You can also contact me on Skype : stars.joomla for support. Other information Note: The images you see in the screenshots
Hudson – Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template (Joomla)