Gatsby is a clean, flat and modern Joomla3 and Virtuemart3 template suitable for any type of website. Web agencies, single product, personal website, portfolio and a lot more. Gatsby is designed according to the latest trends and best practices. Try it now and you won’t regret in your choice. All Features: Multipurpose design; Responsive layout; Cross-browser compatibility; Based on Bootstrap & LESS; Helix 3 Framework for Joomla!; Joomla! 3.6.x compatible; VirtueMart version 3.x; Easy theme installation; SP Page Builder (Pro) 2.x; SEO ready; 8 different main page layouts; Boxed and Wide Layouts Revolution slider – save $29; Unlimited colors; Mega menu; Multi-language support; Real multi currency support; Wishlist – exclusevily developed; Product comparison – exclusevily developed; Switch on/off floating header option; Quick products view; Banner manager; Possibility to adjust the layout for mobile devices via admin panel; Touch enabled option for product sliders; Ajax drop-down shopping cart; Ajax price filter (just styles); List and grid view; Countdown for products; Popup window with a promotion and newsletter subscription form; Custom tabs on product page; Prev/Next item navigation; Customizable product images; “Sale” , “New” , “Hot” and “Limited Offer” labels; Product image zoom and Fancybox lightbox available; Share icons on a product page; “Recently Viewed Products” block; Products review & rating; Anti-spam captcha; Newsletter subscibe; “Join us on Facebook” plugin; Twitter plugin; Blog page; Attractive hover effects and tooltips; Google web fonts; Iconic fonts; Extended documentation; Support & free updates. Credits: Unsplash H&M Zara Neil V Fernando Bravo Gustavo Vitulo Serge Vasil
Gatsby – Corporate Joomla 3 + Virtuemart 3 Template (Joomla)